Best practices – Biblioteca hablada de profesionales

Biblioteca hablada de profesionales

AMPA IES Mutxamel, Spain

We try to expose an experience that we have been carrying out during the last 4 school years.

The talking library that we have created is obviously made up of a set of books. Unlike the books published on paper, on this occasion the books that are lent out are made of flesh and blood.

Moreover, it is a library specialised in professional aspects.

Each book is a person with academic and/or professional experience, who, based on their own experience, contributes to other people (in this case students from the school) the aspects of their profession that they believe to be of interest. We will call them living books.

Each edition we try to provide as wide a range of professionals as possible to show students, according to their interests, the most relevant characteristics of their profession, as well as the academic itinerary to practice it. 

Pupils are consulted about their interests and preferences. The AMPA, as far as we can, tries to meet their demands. However, we try to offer a wide range of professions, both those in demand and others that students themselves are often unaware of.

This activity involves those who are in 3rd and 4th ESO, 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate, FPB and F.P.GM.

Best practices – Setmana de l’orientació: programa d’orientació acadèmica i professional a l’ESO i el Batxillerat.

Setmana de l’orientació: programa d’orientació acadèmica i professional a l’ESO i el Batxillerat

Ins Les Termes, Spain

The proposal presented here describes a series of actions aimed primarily at students in the 4th year of ESO and Bachillerato in the framework of a secondary school. The aim is to accompany students in the choice of a training and/or work itinerary based on the knowledge of the various academic options and activities aimed at personal self-knowledge.

We concentrate this presentation on what we call the Orientation Week, a week in the course which includes the most important activities.

The objectives to be achieved are six:

  • Get to know the interests, aptitudes and notable characteristics of each student’s personality, both by the professionals involved and by the students and their families.
  • Identify the most suitable training itinerary for each student according to the above variables.
  • Make both students and their families aware of the current range of post-compulsory academic options.
  • Offer formal and non-regulated training research tools to students.
  • To introduce students to the most elementary mechanisms of job search and recruitment.
  • To promote a culture of lifelong learning.

The programme focuses on baccalaureate courses and 3rd and 2nd year ESO courses. Therefore, it reaches ages 14 to 18.

Best practices – Els Instituts d’ESO es capbussen a les empreses del municipi. Projecte col·laboratiu d’apropament dels Instituts d’ESO d’un mateix municipi a les empreses de l’entorn

Els Instituts d’ESO es capbussen a les empreses del municipi. Projecte col·laboratiu d’apropament dels Instituts d’ESO d’un mateix municipi a les empreses de l’entorn

Instituts de Cerdanyola del Vallés (Institut Banús, Institut Jaume Mimó, Institut Gorgs, Institut Forat del Vent, Institut Pere Calders i CFT Flor de Maig), Spain

The project we present to you is the result of a network of 6 secondary schools in the same municipality of Vallès Occidental. Its aim is to bring the world of business closer to young people in the 4th year of ESO.

Bringing the 4th year ESO students closer to the companies in their municipality by making structured visits allows them to explore these more professional contents in situ and in a very close and experiential way.

In order to achieve a shared project between the different secondary schools of the same municipality that have participated, different tools and common interaction spaces have been used. In each centre, the project has been implemented in different temporary and curricular spaces.


  • Students’ self-awareness (professional interests, students’ abilities and aptitudes, occupational values…)
  • Knowledge of post-compulsory training and career paths.
  • Job search (creating CV, application letter, applications…)
  • The world of work (work habits, professional fields, public and private sector, employment contracts…)
  • The company in the different production processes and the people involved.
  • The importance of key skills in the development of professional profiles, while knowing the production sectors and the business network closest to the municipality.

The students participating and recipients of the project are 4th graders from secondary schools and five students from a Special Education Center.

Best practices – Orientació vocacional i professional. Un projecte de vida en continua revisió

Orientació vocacional i professional. Un projecte de vida en continua revisió 

Escola Garbí Pere Vergés Esplugues

The program shows how the Escola Garbí Pere Vergés carries out the task of guiding our students in their decision-making. At the end of their training at our institution, the boys, in addition to being clear about the route that will lead them to be in a position to exercise a profession, must also carry in their rucksack a series of tools that allow them to reflect on who they are, what they want and where they want to direct their personal and professional lives at all times.

The proposal consists of different types of activities depending on the objectives and the degree to which the vocational and professional orientation appears explicit, therefore, the project consists of a battery of activities with a non-specific orientation and activities of specific orientation. The first aim for the students to get to know each other in depth and know what is the image they project, the second are aimed at the students being able to discover what the training and work environments are and what requirements they need in order, finally, to know which is your professional profile and choose your training route.


  • To provide the student with tools for self-knowledge so that they can use them to analyze their skills, their knowledge and their interests as a preliminary step to the development of their professional life project.
  • Provide boys and girls with action plans for decision-making.
  • Show the current training offer that the student can access and find out where and how to get the necessary tools to stay updated at all times.
  • Foster among boys and girls the idea that vocational and professional self-orientation must be a constant in their lives.

The recipients of this project are ESO and high school students from a medium-high socio-economic and cultural environment and who have families in which most of the parents have university degrees. In 98% of the boys and girls, their educational expectations are access to university.

Best practices – Una orientación para todos

Una orientación para todos 

Esment Escola Professional, Spain

It is an integrated training project within a business environment. 

We want to present a labour training model of attention to young people and people with intellectual disabilities that combines guidance, training and employment in the hotel and catering sector (cooking, catering and bakery) mainly, but also in professions such as: printing, cleaning, administration and gardening. 

The model consists of a 3-year training programme through training and apprenticeship contracts, based on a combination of accredited training (level 1 and level 2 certificates of professionalism) plus other training specialities designed to develop technical as well as personal and social skills. With an eminently practical approach, based on the “learning by doing” methodology, consisting of practice in a real work context.

Objectives: To improve the employability of young people and people with disabilities through guidance and support throughout their professional qualification process.

Target group: Young people with Intellectual Disabilities, from 16 years of age Young people between 16 and 29 years of age

  • Who may or may not have completed compulsory secondary education.
  • Unemployed
  • With professional qualification needs that favour their access to employment.

Best practices – ORIENTAdultos


CEPA Paulo Freire, Spain

The needs of the students are the center’s priority, and its objectives are:

  • Improve the educational community and optimize the educational environment by promoting activities that promote the psychosocial well-being of students and teachers.
  • Motivate to study and fight against school dropout, taking into account the needs of each student
  • Help students develop as individuals, trying to improve their quality of life through education.
  • Be open to changes and innovations.


  • Help and advise in your academic, professional career and personal development.
  • Collaborate in decision-making
  • Show research mechanisms for academic and professional exits
  • Promote the skills required for their access to different studies, through workshops and dynamics
  • Help the teacher to resolve doubts about qualifications, validations and academic issues
  • Guide teachers in non-curricular adaptation tasks for students who need it
  • Advise students with learning difficulties on methodology issues

The recipients are 484 secondary education students aged 17 to 55.

Best practices- Plan de Orientación Académico Profesional en un Centro Educativo

Plan de Orientación Académico Profesional en un Centro Educativo 

Colegio Salesiano Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza, Spain

The Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan (P.O.A.P.) is the document that specifies the actions to be developed by our centre to facilitate the decision making of each student throughout their schooling regarding their academic and professional future by choosing between the different paths and alternatives.

These measures are aimed both at facilitating the choice of academic pathways to continue their studies in the education system, and at facilitating the labour and professional integration of young people who finish their education. In order for the decision taken by the student to be realistic and planned, we must consider four fundamental aspects:

  • Adequate knowledge of their own interests, abilities and resources.
  • Adequate knowledge of the different educational and employment options and the pathways that open and close with each option.
  • Adequate knowledge of the demands of the world of work and their relationship with the different studies.
  • An adequate command of decision-making strategies and skills (identifying the problem, clarifying alternatives, assessing their positive and negative consequences, weighing up and deciding).

This Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan is aimed at students in Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training stages.



PFI-PTT Montcada I Reixac (Institut la Ferreria), Spain

The project we are presenting is a complex organization as it involves the entire PFI teaching team. Each teacher intervenes in his module with the aim of creating a business plan, of an idea specific to each team. We have a triple purpose: educational, training and professionalizing. They must allow the student’s personal development and the acquisition of skills that prepare him for both social and work integration and for continuing education.


  • Motivate and promote the entrepreneurial, innovative and creative spirit of students.
  • Work on basic skills in the different areas in a transversal way.
  • Reinforce key skills necessary for the Transition to the Professional Market and the maintenance of the workplace.
  • Get to know experientially the process of creating a company, from the generation of the idea to the organizational and administrative functioning.

It is intended for the training and guidance (both training and work) of boys and girls between 16 and 21 years old in the year the course starts, who have not obtained the ESO degree.

Best practices- Programa de iniciación al mercado de trabajo “Despegando hacia el futuro”

Programa de iniciación al mercado de trabajo “Despegando hacia el futuro”

Colegio Salesiano “San Francisco de Sales-El Buen Amigo”, Spain

In the present project we present a collaboration agreement between a non-profit organisation and an educational centre, through which, the Technicians of the Employment Area of the organisation will provide the recipients with logistical and competence tools that will allow them to start their personalised itinerary of Active Job Search, prior to the end of the formal training they develop.

This project will be developed in two phases:

  • Training
  • Active Job Search


To initiate the beneficiaries in the Active Search for Employment, through the creation of a Personalised Itinerary of Insertion, with which to favour the knowledge of the different resources and entities that work for the accompaniment in the search for employment.

Knowledge of the Active Job Search Resources of the collaborating non-profit organisation.

Registration in a Placement Agency and assignment of a professional Guidance Technician from the collaborating non-profit organisation, to each recipient, to accompany him/her on the path towards the employment objectives that he/she sets for him/herself.

Preparation of the target group for the access to a job: creation and strengthening of the Curriculum Vitae and successful management of a job interview (in all its formats).

Approach to the labour competences required in any job: Responsibility, Teamwork and Communication.

The Training Programme is taught in the classrooms of the academic centre for all students of the Intermediate Level Vocational Training Cycles, whose average age is 18-19 years old.

Best practices – Discovering myself and planning my educational course after high school

Discovering myself and planning my educational course after high school

15th high school of Athens, Greece

The students got to know each other, worked as a Career Education team and explored: their personal characteristics, their skills and abilities, their personal and work values. Then they identified the influences from the “significant others”, the stereotypes and prejudices that influence the formation of their choices, their educational choices after High School. Then they learned about the decision-making process, about valid information. And finally, they created their personal script for an educational course and created professional monographs that interested them.

More information.