The TACKLE Checklist is a digital self-evaluation and diagnostic tool for Secondary schools so that as a school they can evaluate the guidance services they provide to their students and how they are supporting them, especially in this very challenging context, often at a distance.
TACKLE Guidance Action Plan and Resource: An Action Plan to create a quality School Guidance connecting schools with resources and recommendations. The Guidance Action Plan and Resource is a key support once the Secondary Schools complete the TACKLE Checklist and receive their diagnostic evaluation report – this tool will accompany them as they plan the next steps – in the short, medium and long term.
TACKLE training module: The TACKLE team will analyze the anonymized data of the TACKLE Checklist back office to diagnose the state of guidance and support in schools in the current complex context. From this analysis they will develop a TACKLE Training Module for Secondary teachers, educators and guidance practitioners in the best practices of providing support and guidance
to students and their families, with special attention to supporting students through transitions and choices of pathways.