Setmana de l’orientació: programa d’orientació acadèmica i professional a l’ESO i el Batxillerat
Ins Les Termes, Spain
The proposal presented here describes a series of actions aimed primarily at students in the 4th year of ESO and Bachillerato in the framework of a secondary school. The aim is to accompany students in the choice of a training and/or work itinerary based on the knowledge of the various academic options and activities aimed at personal self-knowledge.
We concentrate this presentation on what we call the Orientation Week, a week in the course which includes the most important activities.
The objectives to be achieved are six:
- Get to know the interests, aptitudes and notable characteristics of each student’s personality, both by the professionals involved and by the students and their families.
- Identify the most suitable training itinerary for each student according to the above variables.
- Make both students and their families aware of the current range of post-compulsory academic options.
- Offer formal and non-regulated training research tools to students.
- To introduce students to the most elementary mechanisms of job search and recruitment.
- To promote a culture of lifelong learning.
The programme focuses on baccalaureate courses and 3rd and 2nd year ESO courses. Therefore, it reaches ages 14 to 18.