Best practices – Biblioteca hablada de profesionales

Biblioteca hablada de profesionales

AMPA IES Mutxamel, Spain

We try to expose an experience that we have been carrying out during the last 4 school years.

The talking library that we have created is obviously made up of a set of books. Unlike the books published on paper, on this occasion the books that are lent out are made of flesh and blood.

Moreover, it is a library specialised in professional aspects.

Each book is a person with academic and/or professional experience, who, based on their own experience, contributes to other people (in this case students from the school) the aspects of their profession that they believe to be of interest. We will call them living books.

Each edition we try to provide as wide a range of professionals as possible to show students, according to their interests, the most relevant characteristics of their profession, as well as the academic itinerary to practice it. 

Pupils are consulted about their interests and preferences. The AMPA, as far as we can, tries to meet their demands. However, we try to offer a wide range of professions, both those in demand and others that students themselves are often unaware of.

This activity involves those who are in 3rd and 4th ESO, 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate, FPB and F.P.GM.