Best practices- Plan de Orientación Académico Profesional en un Centro Educativo

Plan de Orientación Académico Profesional en un Centro Educativo 

Colegio Salesiano Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza, Spain

The Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan (P.O.A.P.) is the document that specifies the actions to be developed by our centre to facilitate the decision making of each student throughout their schooling regarding their academic and professional future by choosing between the different paths and alternatives.

These measures are aimed both at facilitating the choice of academic pathways to continue their studies in the education system, and at facilitating the labour and professional integration of young people who finish their education. In order for the decision taken by the student to be realistic and planned, we must consider four fundamental aspects:

  • Adequate knowledge of their own interests, abilities and resources.
  • Adequate knowledge of the different educational and employment options and the pathways that open and close with each option.
  • Adequate knowledge of the demands of the world of work and their relationship with the different studies.
  • An adequate command of decision-making strategies and skills (identifying the problem, clarifying alternatives, assessing their positive and negative consequences, weighing up and deciding).

This Academic and Vocational Guidance Plan is aimed at students in Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training stages.