Best practices – Planning my educational and professional career having my personality as a compass
1st lyceum of Galatsi, Greece
The aim of the team members was to design and evaluate possible or alternative educational and professional options that will go hand in hand with their unique characteristics. They explored their interests and skills. The personal style was also sought, which characterizes the way of actions-actions in the individual and professional life. They explored with experiential exercises a) values b) “significant others” who offer knowledge and support, c) learning experiences related to either formal education or anything we may have done or learned from any volunteer work, hobby, sport. They recognized the work values and evaluated their relative importance in the successful choice of profession to meet their needs. Utilizing the data from the self-exploration the students composed the Wheel of Self-Knowledge. The decision-making steps were then identified and the students chose alternatives according to their criteria and goals. The students did an internet search for the content of studies in the Schools of their interest, the postgraduate studies and for the professional rights provided. They also composed the Wheel of Professional Choices and compared it with the corresponding Wheel of Self-Knowledge. The advantages and disadvantages related to studies and work in Greece or in the European Union were discussed and the work and professional career for the members of the Program were evaluated. The students also researched their professional choices by studying professional monographs, while they also visited Panteion University, where they visited the faculties, and attended a university course.
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