Best practices – Dream trap: Professional monagraphies/profiles

Dream trap: Professional monagraphies/profiles

4th high school of Galatsi, Greece

Students capture the profession of their dreams. Dreams are collected and matched with corresponding dreams. Then, students research in groups of common dreams (professions) of their choices. Information includes job descriptions, required studies, skills/competencies, labour market demand, professional rights, and creation of professional monographs. Information is collected and recorded. Each student puts his personal stamp in the recording style. At the end, the presentation with the help of software (PowerPoint) is created and the team participates in the final presentation at a Career Education Conference. The students participated in a two-day conference, in the context of “open days” for SEP, where distinguished professionals and teachers from academic and workplaces spoke and presented the results of their work in a Career Education Conference organized by KESY. PI. Galatsi

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