TACKLE 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Athens

On July 7th and 8th the TACKLE project partners met face-to-face (finally!) in Athens, Greece at the headquarters of Ison Psychometrica. The partners reviewed and tested the technical implementation of the TACKLE Checklist and worked on defining the Action Plan and Resource together in preparation for the national pilot actions foreseen in the Fall of 2022.

TACKLE 2nd Transnational Partner Meeting (Virtual)

On February 9th and 10th, the TACKLE partners met virtually in a series of thematic meetings. The partners reviewed and discussed the sets to finalize the first intellectual output of the project- the TACKLE Digital Checklist, debated formats and functionalities for IO2 – the TACKLE Guidance Action Plan and Resource as well as looked ahead to IO3 – the Training Module. The partners look forward to May/June and the pilot testing of the tools with Secondary schools (directors, teachers, tutors, guidance practitioners).


Tackle project Kick-Off Meeting

On the 27th of April the Tackle Project partners held the first Transnational Project Meeting. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, instead of meeting in Barcelona, Spain, as foreseen, they met online.

The First Transnational meeting in Barcelona was a moment to re-establish and share project management and implementation guidelines at the start of the project.
The project partners came together and began work on creating the evaluation items and indicators for the digital checklist for Secondary schools with an initial brainstorming
session to develop the Tackle Checklist parameters and items.